Essential Exercising when you are unable.



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Do work or family commitments mean that you are away in the evenings or at weekends?  

Do you worry that your dog may be sitting with his legs crossed?  Or that your cat, rabbit, goldfish needs fed?

We understand that sometimes you just can’t be there for your pet and offer a tailor-made pet care service where we visit your home whilst you are out and cater for your pet’s needs.  We offer this service for dogs, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs and other small animals, indoor/outdoor fish, caged birds and poultry too.  We can:

  • Allow your dog access to the garden or take him for a short walk to relieve himself.
  • Feed the pet and refresh his water
  • Administer medication
  • Change litter trays
  • Clean out hutches/cages
  • Where appropriate, play with the pet
  • All visits will last no less than 15 minutes.

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